Tuesday, March 17, 2009

potato plush

potato plush, originally uploaded by goldenrusset.

in honor of St' Patrick's Day i made this green eye'd Potato plush guy. if y'all like it , i may make more to sell.
Let me know!
9" wide and 5" tall (not including the legs) and made of fleece and felt.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


yone_01, originally uploaded by goldenrusset.


yone_02, originally uploaded by goldenrusset.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


eyeinthesky, originally uploaded by goldenrusset.

here be some gnome art. what thoughts have you on this matter?

Friday, March 06, 2009

Gnomes now on sale!

hurry over to the Cutesypoo Toys online shop and grab yourself a gnome! 

they are going fast so act quickly

everyone who buys one will get a special gift
its a set of 4 mini papertoy gnomes! print em out and put em on yer desk for some extra happiness!

Monday, March 02, 2009

Cone Gnomes for sale Friday March 6th

Cutesypoo Toys will be releasing 7 cute cone gnomes for sale on friday March 6th 2009!
they will be available at 12pm on their Etsy online store

Handmade in Canada and printed by Spoonflower.com 

there will also be one rare Angry gnome available for that grumpy puss out there...